Application-Level Protocols


A client and a server exchange messages consisting of message types and message data. This requires design of a suitable message exchange protocol. This chapter looks at some of the issues involved in this, and gives a complete example of a simple client-server application.




A client and server need to exchange information via messages. TCP and UDP provide the transport mechanisms to do this. The two processes also need to have a protocol in place so that message exchange can take place meaningfully. A protocol defines what type of conversation can take place between two components of a distributed application, by specifying messages, data types, encoding formats and so on.


Protocol Design


There are many possibilities and issues to be decided on when designing a protocol. Some of the issues include:


Version control


A protocol used in a client/server system will evolve over time, changing as the system expands. This raises compatability problems: a version 2 client will make requests that a version 1 server doesn't understand, whereas a version 2 server will send replies that a version 1 client won't understand.


Each side should ideally be able to understand messages for its own version and all earlier ones. It should be able to write replies to old style queries in old style response format.


The ability to talk earlier version formats may be lost if the protocol changes too much. In this case, you need to be able to ensure that no copies of the earlier version still exist - and that is generally imposible.

但是如果协议变化太大的话,可能就很难保持与早期版本的兼容了。在这种情况下,你就需要保证已经不存在早期的版本了 -- 当然这个几乎是不可能的。

Part of the protocol setup should involve version information.


The Web


The Web is a good example of a system that is messed up by different versions. The protocol has been through three versions, and most servers/browsers now use the latest version. The version is given in each request


request version
GET / pre 1.0
GET / HTTP/1.0 HTTP 1.0
GET / HTTP/1.1 HTTP 1.1

But the content of the messages has been through a large number of versions:


Message Format


In the last chapter we discussed some possibilities for representing data to be sent across the wire. Now we look one level up, to the messages which may contain such data.


Commonly, the first part of the message will be a message type.


The message types can be strings or integers. e.g. HTTP uses integers such as 404 to mean "not found" (although these integers are written as strings). The messages from client to server and vice versa are disjoint: "LOGIN" from client to server is different to "LOGIN" from server to client.


Data Format


There are two main format choices for messages: byte encoded or character encoded.


Byte format


In the byte format


The advantages are compactness and hence speed. The disadvantages are caused by the opaqueness of the data: it may be harder to spot errors, harder to debug, require special purpose decoding functions. There are many examples of byte-encoded formats, including major protocols such as DNS and NFS , upto recent ones such as Skype. Of course, if your protocol is not publicly specified, then a byte format can also make it harder for others to reverse-engineer it!


Pseudocode for a byte-format server is


    handleClient(conn) {
        while (true) {
            byte b = conn.readByte()
            switch (b) {
                case MSG_1: ...
                case MSG_2: ...

Go has basic support for managing byte streams. The interface Conn has methods

Go提供了基本的管理字节流的方法。 接口Conn 包含有方法

(c Conn) Read(b []byte) (n int, err os.Error)
(c Conn) Write(b []byte) (n int, err os.Error)

and these methods are implemented by TCPConn and UDPConn.

这两个方法的具体实现类有 TCPConn and UDPConn

Character Format


In this mode, everything is sent as characters if possible. For example, an integer 234 would be sent as, say, the three characters '2', '3' and '4' instead of the one byte 234. Data that is inherently binary may be base64 encoded to change it into a 7-bit format and then sent as ASCII characters, as discussed in the previous chapter.


In character format,


Pseudocode is


handleClient() {
    line = conn.readLine()
    if (line.startsWith(...) {
    } else if (line.startsWith(...) {

Character formats are easier to setup and easier to debug. For example, you can use telnet to connect to a server on any port, and send client requests to that server. It isn't so easy the other way, but you can use tools like tcpdump to snoop on TCP traffic and see immediately what clients are sending to servers.

字符编码很容易进行组装,也很容易调试。例如,你可以telnet连接到一台服务器的端口上,然后发送客户的请求到服务器。其他的编码方式无法轻易地监听请求。但是对于字符编码,你可以使用tcpdump 这样的工具监听TCP的交互,并且立刻就能看到客户端发送给服务器端的消息。

There is not the same level of support in Go for managing character streams. There are significant issues with character sets and character encodings, and we will explore these issues in a later chapter.


If we just pretend everything is ASCII, like it was once upon a time, then character formats are quite straightforward to deal with. The principal complication at this level is the varying status of "newline" across different operating systems. Unix uses the single character '\n'. Windows and others (more correctly) use the pair "\r\n". On the internet, the pair "\r\n" is most common - Unix systems just need to take care that they don't assume '\n'.

如果和以前一样,处理的所有字符都是ASCII码,那么我们能直接又简单地处理这些字符。但是实际上,字符处理复杂的原因是不同的操作系统上有各种不统一的“换行符”。Unix使用简单的'\n' 来表示换行,Windows和其他的系统(这种方法更正确)使用“\r\n”来表示。在实际的网络传输中,使用一对“\r\n”是更通用的方案 -- 因为Unix系统只需要注意不要设定换行符只有“\n”就可以满足这个方案。

Simple Example


This example deals with a directory browsing protocol - basically a stripped down version of FTP, but without even the file transfer part. We only consider listing a directory name, listing the contents of a directory and changing the current directory - all on the server side, of course. This is a complete worked example of creating all components of a client-server application. It is a simple program which includes messages in both directions, as well as design of messaging protocol.

这个例子展示的是一个文件夹浏览协议 -- 基本上就是一个简单的FTP协议,只是连FTP的文件传输都没有实现。我们考虑这个例子包含的功能有:展示文件夹名称,列出文件夹内包含的文件,改变当前文件夹路径 -- 当然所有这些文件都是在服务器的。这是一个完整的包含客户端和服务器的例子。这个简单的程序既需要两个方向的消息交互,也需要消息的具体协议设计。

Look at a simple non-client-server program that allows you to list files in a directory and change and print the directory on the server. We omit copying files, as that adds to the length of the program without really introducing important concepts. For simplicity, all filenames will be assumed to be in 7-bit ASCII. If we just looked at a standalone application first, then the pseudo-code would be


read line from user
while not eof do
  if line == dir
    list directory

  if line == cd <dir>
    change directory

  if line == pwd
    print directory

  if line == quit

  read line from user

A non-distributed application would just link the UI and file access code


In a client-server situation, the client would be at the user end, talking to a server somewhere else. Aspects of this program belong solely at the presentation end, such as getting the commands from the user. Some are messages from the client to the server, some are solely at the server end.


For a simple directory browser, assume that all directories and files are at the server end, and we are only transferring file information from the server to the client. The client side (including presentation aspects) will become


read line from user
while not eof do
  if line == dir
    list directory

  if line == cd <dir>
    change directory

  if line == pwd
    print directory

  if line == quit

  read line from user

where the italicised lines involve communication with the server.


Alternative presentation aspects


A GUI program would allow directory contents to be displayed as lists, for files to be selected and actions such as change directory to be be performed on them. The client would be controlled by actions associated with various events that take place in graphical objects. The pseudo-code might look like


change dir button:
  if there is a selected file
    change directory
  if successful
    update directory label
    list directory
    update directory list

The functions called from the different UI's should be the same - changing the presentation should not change the networking code

不同的UI实现的功能都是一样的 -- 改变表现层并不需要改变网络传输的代码

Protocol - informal

协议 -- 概述

client request server response
dir send list of files
cd <dir> change dir
send error if failed
send ok if succeed
pwd send current directory
quit quit

Text protocol


This is a simple protocol. The most complicated data structure that we need to send is an array of strings for a directory listing. In this case we don't need the heavy duty serialisation techniques of the last chapter. In this case we can use a simple text format.


But even if we make the protocol simple, we still have to specify it in detail. We choose the following message format:


Some of the choices made above are weaker in real-life protocols. For example


All of these variations exist in real protocols. Cumulatively, they make the string processing just more complex than in our case.


client request server response
send "DIR" send list of files, one per line
terminated by a blank line
send "CD <dir>" change dir
send "ERROR" if failed
send "OK"
send "PWD" send current working directory

Server code


/* FTP Server
package main

import (

const (
        DIR = "DIR"
        CD  = "CD"
        PWD = "PWD"

func main() {

        service := ""
        tcpAddr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", service)

        listener, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", tcpAddr)

        for {
                conn, err := listener.Accept()
                if err != nil {
                go handleClient(conn)

func handleClient(conn net.Conn) {
        defer conn.Close()

        var buf [512]byte
        for {
                n, err := conn.Read(buf[0:])
                if err != nil {

                s := string(buf[0:n])
                // decode request
         if s[0:2] == CD {
                        chdir(conn, s[3:])
                } else if s[0:3] == DIR {
                } else if s[0:3] == PWD {


func chdir(conn net.Conn, s string) {
        if os.Chdir(s) == nil {
        } else {

func pwd(conn net.Conn) {
        s, err := os.Getwd()
        if err != nil {

func dirList(conn net.Conn) {
        defer conn.Write([]byte("\r\n"))

        dir, err := os.Open(".")
        if err != nil {

        names, err := dir.Readdirnames(-1)
        if err != nil {
        for _, nm := range names {
                conn.Write([]byte(nm + "\r\n"))

func checkError(err error) {
        if err != nil {
                fmt.Println("Fatal error ", err.Error())

Client code


/* FTPClient
package main

import (

// strings used by the user interface
const (
        uiDir  = "dir"
        uiCd   = "cd"
        uiPwd  = "pwd"
        uiQuit = "quit"

// strings used across the network
const (
        DIR = "DIR"
        CD  = "CD"
        PWD = "PWD"

func main() {
        if len(os.Args) != 2 {
                fmt.Println("Usage: ", os.Args[0], "host")

        host := os.Args[1]

        conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", host+":1202")

        reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
        for {
                line, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
                // lose trailing whitespace
         line = strings.TrimRight(line, " \t\r\n")
                if err != nil {

                // split into command + arg
         strs := strings.SplitN(line, " ", 2)
                // decode user request
         switch strs[0] {
                case uiDir:
                case uiCd:
                        if len(strs) != 2 {
                                fmt.Println("cd <dir>")
                        fmt.Println("CD \"", strs[1], "\"")
                        cdRequest(conn, strs[1])
                case uiPwd:
                case uiQuit:
                        fmt.Println("Unknown command")

func dirRequest(conn net.Conn) {
        conn.Write([]byte(DIR + " "))

        var buf [512]byte
        result := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
        for {
                // read till we hit a blank line
         n, _ := conn.Read(buf[0:])
                length := result.Len()
                contents := result.Bytes()
                if string(contents[length-4:]) == "\r\n\r\n" {
                        fmt.Println(string(contents[0 : length-4]))

func cdRequest(conn net.Conn, dir string) {
        conn.Write([]byte(CD + " " + dir))
        var response [512]byte
        n, _ := conn.Read(response[0:])
        s := string(response[0:n])
        if s != "OK" {
                fmt.Println("Failed to change dir")

func pwdRequest(conn net.Conn) {
        var response [512]byte
        n, _ := conn.Read(response[0:])
        s := string(response[0:n])
        fmt.Println("Current dir \"" + s + "\"")

func checkError(err error) {
        if err != nil {
                fmt.Println("Fatal error ", err.Error())



Applications often make use of state information to simplify what is going on. For example


In a distributed system, such state information may be kept in the client, in the server, or in both.


The important point is to whether one process is keeping state information about itself or about the other process. One process may keep as much state information about itself as it wants, without causing any problems. If it needs to keep information about the state of the other process, then problems arise: the process' actual knowledge of the state of the other may become incorrect. This can be caused by loss of messages (in UDP), by failure to update, or by s/w errors.

最重要的一点是,进程是否需要保存 自身进程 或者其他进程 的状态消息。一个进程保存再多自己的状态信息,也不会引发其他问题。如果需要保存其他进程的状态消息,这个问题就复杂了:当前保存的其他进程的状态消息和实际的状态消息可能是不一致的。这可能会引起消息丢失(在UDP中)、更新失败、或者s/w错误等。

An example is reading a file. In single process applications the file handling code runs as part of the application. It maintains a table of open files and the location in each of them. Each time a read or write is done this file location is updated. In the DCE file system, the file server keeps track of a client's open files, and where the client's file pointer is. If a message could get lost (but DCE uses TCP) these could get out of synch. If the client crashes, the server must eventually timeout on the client's file tables and remove them.


In NFS, the server does not maintain this state. The client does. Each file access from the client that reaches the server must open the file at the appropriate point, as given by the client, to perform the action.


If the server maintains information about the client, then it must be able to recover if the client crashes. If information is not saved, then on each transaction the client must transfer sufficient information for the server to function.


If the connection is unreliable, then additional handling must be in place to ensure that the two do not get out of synch. The classic example is of bank account transactions where the messages get lost. A transaction server may need to be part of the client-server system.


Application State Transition Diagram


A state transition diagram keeps track of the current state of an application and the changes that move it to new states.


Example: file transfer with login:


This can also be expressed as a table


Current state Transition Next state
login login failed login
login succeeded file transfer
file transfer dir file transfer
get file transfer
logout login
quit -

Client state transition diagrams


The client state diagram must follow the application diagram. It has more detail though: it writes and then reads


Current state Write Read Next state
login LOGIN name password FAILED login
SUCCEEDED file transfer
file transfer CD dir SUCCEEDED file transfer
FAILED file transfer
GET filename #lines + contents file transfer
ERROR file transfer
DIR #files + filenames file transfer
ERROR file transfer
quit none quit
logout none login

Server state transition diagrams


The server state diagram must also follow the application diagram. It also has more detail: it reads and then writes

服务器状态转换图也和应用转换图一样。不同的就是也要注意更多细节:它包含有 操作

Current state Read Write Next state
login LOGIN name password FAILED login
SUCCEEDED file transfer
file transfer CD dir SUCCEEDED file transfer
FAILED file transfer
GET filename #lines + contents file transfer
ERROR file transfer
DIR #files + filenames file transfer
ERROR file transfer
quit none quit
logout none login

Server pseudocode


state = login
while true
    read line
    switch (state)
        case login:
            get NAME from line
            get PASSWORD from line
            if NAME and PASSWORD verified
                write SUCCEEDED
                state = file_transfer
                write FAILED
                state = login
        case file_transfer:
            if line.startsWith CD
                get DIR from line
                if chdir DIR okay
                    write SUCCEEDED
                    state = file_transfer
                    write FAILED
                    state = file_transfer

We don't give the actual code for this server or client since it is pretty straightforward.




Building any application requires design decisions before you start writing code. For distributed applications you have a wider range of decisions to make compared to standalone systems. This chapter has considered some of those aspects and demonstrated what the resultant code might look like.


Copyright Jan Newmarch,

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